
27 Sep 2016

0 Minutes Read

During 2016, we’ve seen the importance of visual content influenced by the changes that have dominated almost every major social network, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Both video and infographics have become powerful engagement tools for brands looking to communicate effectively to their audience.

To help you stay ahead of these trends, we’ve listed below what we believe demonstrates the impact that visual content has on reach and engagement for 2017.

  • Researchers found that coloured visuals increase people’s willingness to read a piece of content by 80%. (Source)
  • Content backed up by relevant imagery gets 94% more views than content without relevant images. (Source)
  • 74% of internet traffic will be video in 2017. (Source)
  • Infographics are liked and shared on social media 3 x more than any other type of content. (Source)
  • Articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the number of social shares that articles with less images. (Source)
  • Using the word “video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19%, click-through rates by 65% and reduces unsubscribes by 26%. (Source)
  • 74% of internet traffic will be video in 2017. (Source
  • 39% of marketers believe that more budget should be spent on the acquisition or creation of lead-generating visual assets. (Source)
  • Shoppers who view video content are 1.81 x more likely to make a purchase than non-viewers. (Source)

Rubik Digital
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